A new year is an opportunity for growth, change, and transformation, not only in yourself, but also in the world.
And yes, our world needs a lot of transforming! Yet if we get stuck in the emotions of fear, sadness, or anger, that will be the world we see, and that will be the reality we experience.
Imagine what the world would be like if every person's actions were sourced from his or her heart and soul.
It would be incredible, wouldn't it?
Although it isn't possible (yet!) to wave a magic wand over the planet and make everyone shift to this space, each one of us can make these changes within ourselves.
We invite you to take some time and listen to your inner spirit.
What are your unique gifts? Who do you want to be? What do you feel called to do? What light do you want to share?
No action is too small to make a difference.
Every time you connect with your true self and express your creativity, your insights, your passion, and your true power, you are helping shift the energy on the planet.
Every time you stand up for what you believe to be true, fair, and right, you make an important difference.
When you consciously choose to be in the energy of love, compassion, joy, light, and positivity, it will change how you feel within yourself, and how you interact with everyone around you.