"My life is forever altered in the best ways possible.
I can't begin to describe how amazing it is. Just do it!"
Karine Plantadit
Tony Nominee for Best Featured Actress
People contact us when they say:
“I'm ready to change my life...
I don’t want fears, worries, and negative patterns holding me back...
I long to feel happier, more content, and aligned with my true self...
There are so many things that I'd love to create in my life, and I don’t want to wait a moment longer!”
“It is such a profound gift.
My work with Miranda and Jana has changed my whole life!”
Elena Miliaresis, producer:
ABC Network News, While Time Stands Still
We are Belief Shifting Experts
If there is something that you really want but you aren’t manifesting it as quickly or fully as you’d like, you probably have limiting beliefs holding you back.
Your subconscious mind controls 96-98% of your perceptions and behavior, and it is run by beliefs. Negative beliefs hide out in your subconscious, waiting to be triggered and hijack you. It is like driving a car with one foot on the accelerator (your conscious desire to reach your goals) and the other on the brake (the subconscious resistance).
When you are run by your subconscious beliefs your future is designed by your past, and you are stuck repeating the same patterns over and over.
For over 25 years, we have specialized in helping clients discover and release the key subconscious patterns that are holding them back.
Our unique, powerful Transformational Coaching quickly and accurately pinpoints the moments when limiting subconscious patterns were formed. We then guide you to literally rewire these patterns so you feel free and aligned to confidently create what you want—and have fun in the process!
Discover an easy solution for a common disagreement that will help things flow much more smoothly and harmoniously between you and your partner.